Monday, December 30, 2013

The 2013 TV blog

Due to unpopular request, I return!

Some random thoughts into what I liked, and recorded because I thought I'd like but didn't watch, in 2013.

TV shows:
Breaking Bad ROCKED! Seriously loved it. God bless Vince Gilligan in his next ventures, because -- wow, what a bar he's set.

Parks and Recreation was good ... when it aired. Unfortunately it comes on and off too randomly.

I will admit that due to the scheduling, P&R is no longer my favorite show. That precious designation has been claimed by Bob's Burgers.  "I'm no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time."   The singing and songs are very fun too, along with the lines and plots.

Top Three favorite is Billy on the Street!

I enjoy The Middle but this season has seemed weaker to me than previous years.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's most recent season seemed stronger than what I remember from the season before. But then, I can't remember- I like IASIP but it doesn't seem to be on a normal schedule. Was two years ago, when Mac got fat?

I still mostly watch Big Bang Theory, but the show bugs me more than ever. A lot of the characters just bug me now. Unlike P&R, these people hardly change. The Big Bugs Theory.

Mostly have enjoyed the following:
At Midnight (yes! the midnight show with Chris Hardwicke!)
New Girl
Key & Peele
The Goldbergs
and I will check out Enlisted. (Showrunner is Mike Royce, who ran Men Of A Certain Age, and is a friend of mine from college.)

I also record Letterman/ Fallon/ Kimmel/ Conan -- all based on guests. Daily Show/ Colbert if there is a breaking political story or guests. I just never really liked Jay Leno, and I like the rest of them. I tend to watch Letterman "live" if I'm up that late.

Oh, and for some reason I recorded and watched most of Who Do You Think You Are. I think this is due to my family history, and a desire to know more about my Irish past.


The recent viewing phenomenon of "binge-watching" inspired me to record some shows that I just... quite.. haven't watched yet.  This includes Brooklyn Nine Nine. I've seen two episodes and do hope to watch more.

And this next batch that have spent a LOT of time on the dvr but never viewed:  
The Blacklist
The Forgotten
The Birthday Boys

I still have some Broadchurch and Birthday boy eps, and maybe I'll give them a shot. But Blacklist and Forgotten got zapped without me watching any of them.

I have given up on:
The Mindy Project
Modern Family

Mindy- tough to say since I like some of it, but it's just all over the place. Very erratic. I finally just had to admit I didn't care about the people in that office. But I still like Mindy!
Modern Family- I just never thought it was that good, and yeah, it has some laughs but it's a 2010 version of Three's Company... so much misunderstanding that seems forced.


I bought the Season 1 Orphan Black dvds when I was shopping in November, and still haven't watched the show, but I'm still very psyched to watch the show.

Some very good friends of mine have seemingly permanently gifted me their dvd copies of Mad Men Season One ... and I still haven't watched. This is going on three years now. I mean, how many HOURS of television would I have to invest to catch up? I think I'd like it too, but ... so much to watch.

My issue I guess is that I didn't have to "catch up" much on Breaking Bad, I got into it in Season 3 and so I had only really one and a half seasons to watch. The whole binge-watch thing doesn't appeal much to me.  (And I don't have netflix streaming. My DSL sucks and I like images that look good on my 56" big ass hdtv.)

Well I've spent FAR too much time thinking about what I watch and don't watch and why. I had to look up my DVR settings a lot in writing this. I still have a lot of the 2013 Red Sox playoff games on there! Woo!!!  Go Red Sox!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Recreating A Conversation Blog

Today I had a pretty funny conversation with my sister. I'll keep her name anonymous, for her sake.

B: I watched The Fugitive sequel last night.
Me: Oh, you saw US Marshals?
B: No. Fugitive 2.
Me: There is no such movie.
B: Yes there is! They go into this Chicago hotel, and fight and catch the one-armed man, and a DOCTOR is behind it all!
Me: That's The Fugitive. That's in the original movie.
B: No it isn't.
Me: Yes. Yes, it is. I worked on it. You know this.
B: They never caught the one-armed man in the first movie!
Me: Yeaaaah, they did. Harrison catches the guy, puts the phone down, calls Tommy Lee, leads them to the guy's apartment.
B: Huh.
Me: He's security for some company, that the doctor guy runs. They catch the one-armed guy, then he goes to the hotel and confronts his doctor friend. So the one-armed guy broke into the house, accidentally kills Harrison's wife- remember the flowers? She was home early, wasn't supposed to be there. Guy kills her.
B: I thought they never caught him.
Me: No, they do.
B: I thought it was a sequel.
Me: Nope. Actually, the crazy part, is Harrison's a doctor, pretty smart guy, but hires a pretty crappy lawyer, if they sentence him the way they do.
B: Huh.
Me: It's almost 20 years. You told me you saw the movie.
B: I thought I did! It seemed pretty new to me, watching last night.

This is a pretty bad recreation. It took about 10 minutes of talking to her about the movie. But it did remind me, that after taking up a huge chunk of my work-life in 1993, working on El Fugitivo, I left that company, and never worked on, or EVER saw, the sequel. What was the point? Did the young guy with the pony-tail hair who worked with Tommy Lee in the first movie, return for the sequel? I assume they caught another bad guy who perhaps was trying to find... a one-legged man?

If the sequel was on netflix instant, I might have watched to find out. As it is, I'm watching all the extras on the Parks and Recreation Season 2 disk 4, and don't feel like signing into netflix right now. Mouse Rat rocks the wrap party!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yes, it's me again blog

That's right. I decided today that I've deprived the world long enough, and needed to post random thoughts about the visual media around me.

- I am watching a NEW episode of Looney Tunes, as I type. In case you didn't know, they've made new episodes of LT, new voices for Bugs, Daffy et al. Bugs and Daffy are on a tv show *within* the show called "Besties" trying to win at at game show! They're playing against the two chipmunks who are kinda gay. (Chip and Dale?) I'm not sure I like the new Looneys, just discovered this today. Bugs and Daffy lose because Daffy doesn't know Bugs' catch-phrase! This show must take place in a world where Jacob and his brother destroyed the world.

-WOW. It's been almost a year since the "Lost" finale! I was SO into it in 2010. Yeah, I was confused about the ending. I'm not a hater though.

- Looney Tunes reminds me that I still think I need to appear on a tv game show at some point. A few years ago I'd watch Jeopardy! while doing my cardio/bike workout. But the idea of Jeopardy! as my game show premier seems a long shot. Too many topics I'm not good at. Plus, I miss "Potent Potables" as a category!

- I think I'd like to be on the "25,000 Pyramid" if that was on- but I'd want it to be old school. All the "new" reboots of game shows, with Regis and silvery sets with people applauding and whooping-n-hollerin' too much just BLOWS.

- About a month ago, I saw Source Code, Super, and Water for Elephants all in one weekend. And then Your Highness soon thereafter. A movie extravaganza. Haven't seen a movie since. I've fallen behind on netflix, I finally watched Ghost Writer on bluray after it sat on the table for 2 months. A movie funk? Perhaps. How to break it?

- Received a book called Gone Tomorrow at Christmas, written by Lee Child. Good book, and a really great character in Jack Reacher. Since finishing it, I've been to the library twice, and have been reading other books Child has written with Reacher. Just finished Persuader last night. Killing Floor was before that. I think I have 7 books left to catch up.

- TV stuff: Favorite show has to be Parks and Recreation. Ron Swanson, Leslie Knope et al are just a blast to watch. Rashida Jones ain't too bad on the eyes either ;-) The Office is still on the tivo, but not nearly as good as it once was. 30 Rock is still good, but losing luster. I think it's better to watch 30Rock goofiness separately from the other Thursday night stuff. After P&R nothing seems good enough! It's a riot and touching. Kudos to the show!

Last summer I caught an episode rerun of The Middle, which made me laugh a lot. So I have tried to watch a bit of that this season. It doesn't seem as fun as the few I saw last summer. (The ep I saw that I loved involved the young woman, Sue Heck, and her friend choreographing a fight, to the song Kung Fu Fighting, which goes horribly wrong for them.)

I put An Idiot Abroad on the tivo record, and haven't watched them all yet. But I discovered The Science Channel in the process, and have been totally absorbed in the "How it's Made" series. Some great stuff, always learning things there.

(Oh Lord. Flipping around, I just came across Revenge of the Sith. Why Lucas couldn't have made one good prequel is beyond me.)

Other stuff I tivo now that 24 & Lost ended:
Breaking Bad- So so good. Can't wait til it starts up in July again.
The Killing- set the tivo but haven't watched any yet. Hope it's good!
Men of a Certain Age- tivo'd but haven't seen all of them. New eps coming this summer.
Big Bang Theory- took it out of the loop. Just not as fun as it promised. Replaced it with
Bob's Burgers- best new show!

I look forward to the return of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia too. This fall I hope?

- Red Sox are floundering... but none of the AL East is doing really well, so it's an odd start to the season overall.
- Bruins are doing well! Beat up the Flyers, take on the Tampa Lightning next. Woo!

Til next time! Hopefully won't be a year between posts.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Wandering Blog

I came to the end of a very busy work period, and it happened to coincide with a family gathering. My sister and her kids were flying east to see my Dad for his birthday. I used my fast fingers of fury to fly through Expedia and found quite an enchanting deal. After double checking that no work would sneak in (clients have had a habit of calling just as I leave, with more work) but they said "nope" and wished me well on a mini-vacation. That sealed the deal. Albany, ho!

Traveling from Burbank to Albany NY is arduous. But I think I found a key: flying through Las Vegas. There seems to always be deals involving the City of Sin. I stopped in Vegas going in and out. (TWSS?) To make an early AM flight in Vegas, I flew out the night before. And coming back west, I had to stop in Vegas and stay again last night. So twice in the last week, I was A Single Man Loose In Las Vegas.

I could tell you more about what happened, but from what I understand, that information is privileged, and I violate some marketing rule about discussing the events. (Perhaps a future blog is in store.)

I got to see my niece and nephew, which was just loads of fun. They are ages 8 and 11, respectively. We went go-kart racing at a "funplex," and they also were on a trampoline/ bungee thing which looked like fun. My nephew "beat" me in racing (I decided it would be mean for me to bump his kart, since it's not allowed and all that.) The temptation was there. Niece was just a bit too short to run the go-kart herself, but Grandpa let both of them drive around the backyard on the tractor. That may have been their favorite thing in the world.

The niece also found an accountant/ adding machine, the kind that spits out paper. She went out with my sister in support of an Obama presidency last fall, and has decided that Uncle Dan is rich enough to give bills to. Bills larger than the federal deficit. Oh the numbers! I think my bills reached into the trillions. I tried to express that her bills were not itemized. She didn't flinch at ignoring that remark!

Ergo, I did something I never have done before: I wrote her a check that will bounce. I wrote it out for a gazillion dollars. I don't have a gazillion dollars. Very hard to teach such an important lesson to an 8 year old. But, this is how our country got in this current mess to begin with! I don't forsee a federal bail-out for Uncle Dan.

Saying goodbye to the kids, and then flying back was a little tough. They're at a great age. Uncle Dan is someone to have fun with, and abuse, and race and send bills. I think I'm gonna have to fly up north and visit them when they get out of school this summer.

Lastly, a quick note: I blogged Belz! Suck it!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Trailer Blog

I just saw this online. Even though it looks like it could be good, it kinda bugs me. But first, here's the trailer for Extract.

First, the music. "Free Ride"? Really? I just looked it up, it's from 1972. And it's the main music in a current day office comedy? I'm being Seth and Amy-ish right now-- REALLY??

I like most of the people in the cast. But nothing about this made me laugh at all. A guy gets hit in the nuts! Hilarious I guess. JK Simmons remembers the hot girl's name, but not the other guy. Affleck thinks the boss called the "temp" a "tramp." And I LIKE Mike Judge and Office Space!

This trailer does nothing.

Also, I'm waffling on what, if any, movies to see. Observe and Report- looks like it could be funny, but I know it gets way raunchy. You can tell from the spots.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Bugs Bunny Blog

Yes, I know. Hold onto yer hats! "Bob" is blogging again! Two consecutive days in a row. It's a miracle.

Today was Opening Day of baseball for my beloved Red Sox. They looked mighty good today, posting a Win over the Tampa Bay Rays. 161 more to go!

But I clicked in my tivo and saw that I recorded some Bugs Bunny classics on TCM a few weeks ago, and was just watching them- What's Opera Doc? & Duck Amuck. And I realize that I miss cartoons. I know they have entire channels devoted to cartoons now, but I don't think the WB classics have their own channel. (DO they? I have like 600 channels on DirecTV, point it out to me.)

I don't get some of the channels like BOOM - it's an extra cost. But I see things like Speed Buggy and Flintstones/ Jetsons flipping through the BOOM schedule. No Bugs Bunny.

Bugs is stuff for kids to watch with their parents. I used to get up around 7am on Saturdays ... yes, way back in the 1970s. Popeye was on early, maybe Pink Panther. Scooby-doo and the other stuff on those mornings were just mediocrities. But Bugs? My Dad would even come in and watch Bugs with us. I love my Dad for doing that. We always knew he was a big kid when he'd sit and watch the Looney Tunes with us. Plus, if Foghorn Leghorn made an appearance, we'd get his impecable Foghorn imitation. Good stuff.

I know my buddy Bill watches The Clone Wars /Star Wars stuff with his boys. They're geeks like that. I won't demean their shared experience- I see them interact all the time and it's a great family to be a part of, when I do things with them. But I wish that other parents could watch the Bugs Bunny stuff with their kids today too.

Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, The Rabbit of Seville.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Quarterly Blog

Hola my peeps. Long time, no blog.

It's not that I've not blogged for a long time. It's that I lost track of the flow, the je ne sais qua, the concept of "hey that'll make a good blog" that's needed. Watching a bad reality tv show, or washing the kitchen floor, or the inanity of building an apartment complex 10 feet away from the LA River --> these are things to write about.

I could write about Obama and the concept of "hope."
I could write about my issue with nationally broadcast sporting events.
I could write about mini sirloin burgers. Or Eliza Dushku in that new Hulu commercial. Or the cool new movies coming out in 3D. Or the car accident I was involved with on March 20th.

But I came across the issue of the day when I was leaving my office earlier today. I should also say, that I've become used to working out of my house. I had a big mental block with it at first. But as long as I get out and take a walk either at lunch, or at the end of the day, I find I'm okay with it now.

I had a to-do list today. I was dealing with a trailer that's finishing, and I needed to go to a lab to look at the 2k timeline of the trailer build. Plus, I had to go to the bank. And mail the checks I wrote this weekend and this morning. And stop by a 2nd bank and deal with a brief tax-related thing. I hoped to also grab lunch. And then get to the lab for the session.

Put all the bank stuff in one folder. Oh, and I found some coupons and miscellaneous stuff that was in my Lexus (my poor, smashed front end Lexus that's costing thousands of dollars to fix) that I normally have in the glove compartment. (Why do they call it the glove compartment? There's never any gloves...)

Had all of that in one pile. Then, the bills, all stamped and ready to go. Now, what else to carry? I have a new "fob" for the alarm system I installed in the house. Then, the car keys for the rental. Keys for the doors to my house. Wallet with license and cash and debit/credit cards. Glass case for my glasses- I really need my prescription glasses now that I'm older. Wearing my shades as I go out.

And of course I can't go anywhere without my damn cellphone now. Due to circumstances, I also have an earpiece bluetooth that I need to bring as well (it's the LAW here in CA now.)

Lastly, the laptop, with all my work files that I'll need at this session at the lab.

Hit the button to open the garage door, and I'm off! Had the house keys in my hand to lock the door and ---

Such a pile of keys and paper and crap that it all nearly slid out of my grasp while locking the front door. Just to leave the freaking house! I did throw a lot of this in the laptop carry-case I have, but it's bulky enough with flash drives, power cord and other computer stuff.

Such an ordeal to leave the house now. I refuse the man- purse. I have my old briefcase, but that and the laptop is overkill. And people tell me I should get a Blackberry? No more hand-held crap! I've only got two hands. And they're quite full. With stuff.

Never made it to lunch either.

(Is this blog worth waiting for 4 months?)