Saturday, November 29, 2008

Five Months Later blog

I'm telling you, the fan letters and phone calls have been non-stop.

"Why did you stop blogging?"
"When are you gonna post again?"

"Can I use your photo for the 'before' photo in my Weight Watchers portfolio?"
"I don't want to pay a lot for this muffler!"

There is no way to catch the public up to what's been going on in my life. So your curiosity is just going to be unsated. You don't get to hear about my life as a videographer/editor for the Jethawks playoff run. Or the vids I cut for The Cherry Bluestorms and Mz Led. (That was actually a lot of fun. ) Or all the work and fixing up done around my house. Nope. Not for you.

I made this dish for Thanksgiving this year. I just had my second night of Thanksgiving leftovers, and the peas are still delish. I also made some chili last weekend, and a bit of spaghetti carbonara. I am leftover king lately. It's all good.

Got involved in a fantasy football league again this year. I have two teams in Yahoo leagues. I wish I could say I'm doing good, but the Gods have not been kind to my teams/players week to week. I'm on the cusp of the playoffs in one league, if I win the next two weeks. The Magic 8-ball says "signs point to no" so I'm living with hope, tinged with a side of sadness. I have turned into a Fantasy Whore, unfortunately.

Just a short blip for now, but I wanted to appease the public, and ease myself back into the "blogging world." Mission Accomplished! Til next time, I leave you this:

Are we human, or are we dancer?