Monday, May 30, 2011

Recreating A Conversation Blog

Today I had a pretty funny conversation with my sister. I'll keep her name anonymous, for her sake.

B: I watched The Fugitive sequel last night.
Me: Oh, you saw US Marshals?
B: No. Fugitive 2.
Me: There is no such movie.
B: Yes there is! They go into this Chicago hotel, and fight and catch the one-armed man, and a DOCTOR is behind it all!
Me: That's The Fugitive. That's in the original movie.
B: No it isn't.
Me: Yes. Yes, it is. I worked on it. You know this.
B: They never caught the one-armed man in the first movie!
Me: Yeaaaah, they did. Harrison catches the guy, puts the phone down, calls Tommy Lee, leads them to the guy's apartment.
B: Huh.
Me: He's security for some company, that the doctor guy runs. They catch the one-armed guy, then he goes to the hotel and confronts his doctor friend. So the one-armed guy broke into the house, accidentally kills Harrison's wife- remember the flowers? She was home early, wasn't supposed to be there. Guy kills her.
B: I thought they never caught him.
Me: No, they do.
B: I thought it was a sequel.
Me: Nope. Actually, the crazy part, is Harrison's a doctor, pretty smart guy, but hires a pretty crappy lawyer, if they sentence him the way they do.
B: Huh.
Me: It's almost 20 years. You told me you saw the movie.
B: I thought I did! It seemed pretty new to me, watching last night.

This is a pretty bad recreation. It took about 10 minutes of talking to her about the movie. But it did remind me, that after taking up a huge chunk of my work-life in 1993, working on El Fugitivo, I left that company, and never worked on, or EVER saw, the sequel. What was the point? Did the young guy with the pony-tail hair who worked with Tommy Lee in the first movie, return for the sequel? I assume they caught another bad guy who perhaps was trying to find... a one-legged man?

If the sequel was on netflix instant, I might have watched to find out. As it is, I'm watching all the extras on the Parks and Recreation Season 2 disk 4, and don't feel like signing into netflix right now. Mouse Rat rocks the wrap party!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yes, it's me again blog

That's right. I decided today that I've deprived the world long enough, and needed to post random thoughts about the visual media around me.

- I am watching a NEW episode of Looney Tunes, as I type. In case you didn't know, they've made new episodes of LT, new voices for Bugs, Daffy et al. Bugs and Daffy are on a tv show *within* the show called "Besties" trying to win at at game show! They're playing against the two chipmunks who are kinda gay. (Chip and Dale?) I'm not sure I like the new Looneys, just discovered this today. Bugs and Daffy lose because Daffy doesn't know Bugs' catch-phrase! This show must take place in a world where Jacob and his brother destroyed the world.

-WOW. It's been almost a year since the "Lost" finale! I was SO into it in 2010. Yeah, I was confused about the ending. I'm not a hater though.

- Looney Tunes reminds me that I still think I need to appear on a tv game show at some point. A few years ago I'd watch Jeopardy! while doing my cardio/bike workout. But the idea of Jeopardy! as my game show premier seems a long shot. Too many topics I'm not good at. Plus, I miss "Potent Potables" as a category!

- I think I'd like to be on the "25,000 Pyramid" if that was on- but I'd want it to be old school. All the "new" reboots of game shows, with Regis and silvery sets with people applauding and whooping-n-hollerin' too much just BLOWS.

- About a month ago, I saw Source Code, Super, and Water for Elephants all in one weekend. And then Your Highness soon thereafter. A movie extravaganza. Haven't seen a movie since. I've fallen behind on netflix, I finally watched Ghost Writer on bluray after it sat on the table for 2 months. A movie funk? Perhaps. How to break it?

- Received a book called Gone Tomorrow at Christmas, written by Lee Child. Good book, and a really great character in Jack Reacher. Since finishing it, I've been to the library twice, and have been reading other books Child has written with Reacher. Just finished Persuader last night. Killing Floor was before that. I think I have 7 books left to catch up.

- TV stuff: Favorite show has to be Parks and Recreation. Ron Swanson, Leslie Knope et al are just a blast to watch. Rashida Jones ain't too bad on the eyes either ;-) The Office is still on the tivo, but not nearly as good as it once was. 30 Rock is still good, but losing luster. I think it's better to watch 30Rock goofiness separately from the other Thursday night stuff. After P&R nothing seems good enough! It's a riot and touching. Kudos to the show!

Last summer I caught an episode rerun of The Middle, which made me laugh a lot. So I have tried to watch a bit of that this season. It doesn't seem as fun as the few I saw last summer. (The ep I saw that I loved involved the young woman, Sue Heck, and her friend choreographing a fight, to the song Kung Fu Fighting, which goes horribly wrong for them.)

I put An Idiot Abroad on the tivo record, and haven't watched them all yet. But I discovered The Science Channel in the process, and have been totally absorbed in the "How it's Made" series. Some great stuff, always learning things there.

(Oh Lord. Flipping around, I just came across Revenge of the Sith. Why Lucas couldn't have made one good prequel is beyond me.)

Other stuff I tivo now that 24 & Lost ended:
Breaking Bad- So so good. Can't wait til it starts up in July again.
The Killing- set the tivo but haven't watched any yet. Hope it's good!
Men of a Certain Age- tivo'd but haven't seen all of them. New eps coming this summer.
Big Bang Theory- took it out of the loop. Just not as fun as it promised. Replaced it with
Bob's Burgers- best new show!

I look forward to the return of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia too. This fall I hope?

- Red Sox are floundering... but none of the AL East is doing really well, so it's an odd start to the season overall.
- Bruins are doing well! Beat up the Flyers, take on the Tampa Lightning next. Woo!

Til next time! Hopefully won't be a year between posts.