Monday, May 30, 2011

Recreating A Conversation Blog

Today I had a pretty funny conversation with my sister. I'll keep her name anonymous, for her sake.

B: I watched The Fugitive sequel last night.
Me: Oh, you saw US Marshals?
B: No. Fugitive 2.
Me: There is no such movie.
B: Yes there is! They go into this Chicago hotel, and fight and catch the one-armed man, and a DOCTOR is behind it all!
Me: That's The Fugitive. That's in the original movie.
B: No it isn't.
Me: Yes. Yes, it is. I worked on it. You know this.
B: They never caught the one-armed man in the first movie!
Me: Yeaaaah, they did. Harrison catches the guy, puts the phone down, calls Tommy Lee, leads them to the guy's apartment.
B: Huh.
Me: He's security for some company, that the doctor guy runs. They catch the one-armed guy, then he goes to the hotel and confronts his doctor friend. So the one-armed guy broke into the house, accidentally kills Harrison's wife- remember the flowers? She was home early, wasn't supposed to be there. Guy kills her.
B: I thought they never caught him.
Me: No, they do.
B: I thought it was a sequel.
Me: Nope. Actually, the crazy part, is Harrison's a doctor, pretty smart guy, but hires a pretty crappy lawyer, if they sentence him the way they do.
B: Huh.
Me: It's almost 20 years. You told me you saw the movie.
B: I thought I did! It seemed pretty new to me, watching last night.

This is a pretty bad recreation. It took about 10 minutes of talking to her about the movie. But it did remind me, that after taking up a huge chunk of my work-life in 1993, working on El Fugitivo, I left that company, and never worked on, or EVER saw, the sequel. What was the point? Did the young guy with the pony-tail hair who worked with Tommy Lee in the first movie, return for the sequel? I assume they caught another bad guy who perhaps was trying to find... a one-legged man?

If the sequel was on netflix instant, I might have watched to find out. As it is, I'm watching all the extras on the Parks and Recreation Season 2 disk 4, and don't feel like signing into netflix right now. Mouse Rat rocks the wrap party!!

1 comment:

i could be a bob said...

HA! Flipping around tonight, I found AMC airing US MARSHALS! Yes, I decided to watch it.