Monday, December 30, 2013

The 2013 TV blog

Due to unpopular request, I return!

Some random thoughts into what I liked, and recorded because I thought I'd like but didn't watch, in 2013.

TV shows:
Breaking Bad ROCKED! Seriously loved it. God bless Vince Gilligan in his next ventures, because -- wow, what a bar he's set.

Parks and Recreation was good ... when it aired. Unfortunately it comes on and off too randomly.

I will admit that due to the scheduling, P&R is no longer my favorite show. That precious designation has been claimed by Bob's Burgers.  "I'm no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time."   The singing and songs are very fun too, along with the lines and plots.

Top Three favorite is Billy on the Street!

I enjoy The Middle but this season has seemed weaker to me than previous years.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's most recent season seemed stronger than what I remember from the season before. But then, I can't remember- I like IASIP but it doesn't seem to be on a normal schedule. Was two years ago, when Mac got fat?

I still mostly watch Big Bang Theory, but the show bugs me more than ever. A lot of the characters just bug me now. Unlike P&R, these people hardly change. The Big Bugs Theory.

Mostly have enjoyed the following:
At Midnight (yes! the midnight show with Chris Hardwicke!)
New Girl
Key & Peele
The Goldbergs
and I will check out Enlisted. (Showrunner is Mike Royce, who ran Men Of A Certain Age, and is a friend of mine from college.)

I also record Letterman/ Fallon/ Kimmel/ Conan -- all based on guests. Daily Show/ Colbert if there is a breaking political story or guests. I just never really liked Jay Leno, and I like the rest of them. I tend to watch Letterman "live" if I'm up that late.

Oh, and for some reason I recorded and watched most of Who Do You Think You Are. I think this is due to my family history, and a desire to know more about my Irish past.


The recent viewing phenomenon of "binge-watching" inspired me to record some shows that I just... quite.. haven't watched yet.  This includes Brooklyn Nine Nine. I've seen two episodes and do hope to watch more.

And this next batch that have spent a LOT of time on the dvr but never viewed:  
The Blacklist
The Forgotten
The Birthday Boys

I still have some Broadchurch and Birthday boy eps, and maybe I'll give them a shot. But Blacklist and Forgotten got zapped without me watching any of them.

I have given up on:
The Mindy Project
Modern Family

Mindy- tough to say since I like some of it, but it's just all over the place. Very erratic. I finally just had to admit I didn't care about the people in that office. But I still like Mindy!
Modern Family- I just never thought it was that good, and yeah, it has some laughs but it's a 2010 version of Three's Company... so much misunderstanding that seems forced.


I bought the Season 1 Orphan Black dvds when I was shopping in November, and still haven't watched the show, but I'm still very psyched to watch the show.

Some very good friends of mine have seemingly permanently gifted me their dvd copies of Mad Men Season One ... and I still haven't watched. This is going on three years now. I mean, how many HOURS of television would I have to invest to catch up? I think I'd like it too, but ... so much to watch.

My issue I guess is that I didn't have to "catch up" much on Breaking Bad, I got into it in Season 3 and so I had only really one and a half seasons to watch. The whole binge-watch thing doesn't appeal much to me.  (And I don't have netflix streaming. My DSL sucks and I like images that look good on my 56" big ass hdtv.)

Well I've spent FAR too much time thinking about what I watch and don't watch and why. I had to look up my DVR settings a lot in writing this. I still have a lot of the 2013 Red Sox playoff games on there! Woo!!!  Go Red Sox!